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Self Closing Gate - Galvanised

Interclamp Self Closing Gates feature a robust and durable spring-loaded self-closing hinge to automatically close the gate for personnel protection. The sprung hinges are tension adjustable and can be set to the required amount of closing force. The key clamp self closing gates are ideal for fall prevention and personnel protection in areas such as access ladders and stairways, walkways, warehouses, zone segregation and machinery guards. The Interclamp Self Closing Gate has been designed to comply with the requirements of AS 1657 and fully integrate with the Interclamp system. 

Custom designs are also available to suit your requirements, please contact us.

Product Data & Dimensions

Size A (mm) B (mm) Part No
  C42  1170 457 GI395C42
  D48  1200 457 GI395D48

Figures given as guidance only, dimensions and weights are subject to manufacturing tolerances and may be altered without prior notice.

Do not perform any pre-drilling, tube cutting, casting uprights or any other dimensionally critical processes prior to receiving fittings.

Interclamp Galvanised Self-Closing Safety Gate
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